Petrocraft Products Ltd. has served the Oil and Gas Industry in
When you need lab supplies or geological supplies, you need a supplier you can depend on, trust Petrocraft Products Ltd. for all your wellsite, geological and laboratory supplies.
Over the years, we have introduced many new features and products into the well-site and geological supplies and services area:
- Cloth bags printed with indelible ink
- Plastic Trays c/w Plastic Vials and peelable labels
- Petrologs
- Metrologs
- Board permitted washing of Invert Samples
- Storage of Cores and Samples
- Sample-Files (tm)
- Quick Dry - sample drying units
- Laboratory Supplies
- Hundreds of other chemicals in addition to regular well site chemicals.
- Retail Services
- Core and Cuttings Storage
Since it's inception, Petrocraft Products Ltd. has been a staunch supporter of the CSPG and the AAPG, supporting the CSPG Men's Golf Tournament for the last 20 years and being a regular exhibitor at both the CSPG and AAPG conferences.
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday (except holidays) 8:00AM-4:30PM
Map to our location.